University of Portsmouth Scholarships for International Students 2024-25

The University of Portsmouth, renowned for its vibrant campus life and strong academic reputation, offers a variety of scholarships to support international students pursuing their academic dreams in the UK. For the 2024-25 academic year, a range of scholarships are available, targeting different needs and backgrounds. This article delves into these opportunities, detailing their benefits, eligibility criteria, and application processes to help prospective students make informed decisions.

Vice Chancellor’s Global Development Scholarship

The Vice Chancellor’s Global Development Scholarship is designed to support high-achieving international students from developing countries, including Nigeria, who demonstrate exceptional academic merit and leadership potential.

– A £1,600 fee reduction on undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses.

– Be an international student from a country listed as eligible for this scholarship (including Nigeria).
– Hold an offer for an undergraduate or postgraduate taught program at the University of Portsmouth.
– Be a self-funded student.

Application Process
The scholarship application is automatic; students do not need to apply separately. The discount is applied when the tuition fee deposit is paid. More information can be found on the [University of Portsmouth’s scholarships page](

2. Chancellor’s Global Academic Merit Scholarship

This scholarship is aimed at rewarding international students who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance.

– A £5,000 fee reduction for undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses.

– Be an international student.
– Have applied and received an offer for an undergraduate or postgraduate taught course at the University of Portsmouth.
– Meet the academic merit requirements set by the university.

Application Process
Eligible students are invited to apply after receiving an offer of admission. The application involves submitting an essay or personal statement and demonstrating academic excellence. Details and deadlines are available on the [University of Portsmouth website](

3. School-Specific Scholarships

Several faculties at the University of Portsmouth offer their own scholarships to attract top international talent. Notable examples include:

Faculty of Business and Law Scholarships

The Faculty of Business and Law offers scholarships to international students who have shown strong academic achievement and leadership potential.

– Scholarships typically range from £1,000 to £3,000.

– Be an international student holding an offer for a course within the Faculty of Business and Law.
– Meet specific academic requirements.

Application Process
Applications are usually submitted online through the faculty’s webpage. Specific details and deadlines are provided by the faculty upon offer acceptance.

Faculty of Technology Scholarships

The Faculty of Technology offers scholarships to support international students enrolling in their engineering, computing, and other technology-related programs.

– Scholarships can cover partial tuition fees, typically ranging from £2,000 to £5,000.

– Be an international student accepted into a Faculty of Technology program.
– Meet the specified academic and language proficiency criteria.

Application Process
Eligible students are invited to apply via the faculty’s website. Supporting documents, including academic transcripts and a statement of purpose, are usually required.

4. GREAT Scholarships

The GREAT Scholarships program, in collaboration with the British Council, offers scholarships to students from specific countries, including Nigeria, to study at UK universities.

– Each scholarship is worth £10,000 towards tuition fees for a one-year postgraduate course.

– Be a citizen of Nigeria.
– Have an undergraduate degree that enables entry into a postgraduate program at the University of Portsmouth.
– Demonstrate interest in the chosen field of study and provide a clear career plan.

Application Process
Applications involve a detailed personal statement and proof of academic and professional achievements. Deadlines and specific requirements are outlined on the [GREAT Scholarships website](

5. Commonwealth Shared Scholarships

These scholarships are part of the UK government’s Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan, aimed at students from developing Commonwealth countries who would not otherwise be able to study in the UK.

– Full tuition fees.
– Monthly stipend.
– Return airfare to the UK.
– Thesis grant.
– Warm clothing allowance.
– Study travel grant within the UK or overseas.

– Be a citizen or have refugee status from an eligible Commonwealth country.
– Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country.
– Hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) standard.

Application Process
Applications are made through the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission’s Electronic Application System (EAS). Detailed instructions and deadlines can be found on the [Commonwealth Scholarships Commission website](

External Funding and Scholarships

In addition to university-specific scholarships, international students at the University of Portsmouth may also explore external scholarships and funding opportunities:

Chevening Scholarships

#### Overview
Funded by the UK government, Chevening Scholarships are awarded to outstanding emerging leaders to pursue a one-year master’s degree at any UK university.

#### Benefits
– Full coverage of tuition fees.
– Monthly living allowance.
– Travel costs to and from the UK.
– Arrival and departure allowances.

– Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country.
– Return to your country of citizenship for at least two years after your scholarship ends.
– Have an undergraduate degree and at least two years of work experience.

Application Process
Applications are made online through the [Chevening website]( The process includes a written application and an interview for shortlisted candidates.


The University of Portsmouth provides a broad array of scholarships to support international students from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder academic excellence and global opportunities. Prospective students from Nigeria and other countries are encouraged to explore these scholarships thoroughly, meet the eligibility criteria, and adhere to application deadlines to enhance their chances of securing financial aid. With careful planning and preparation, students can take full advantage of these opportunities to achieve their academic and professional goals in the vibrant academic environment of the University of Portsmouth.

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